About Us

About Agritech Consultancy

Digital Agritech Consultancy  is a registered Zimbabwean Agricultural  technology company that specialises in offering a wide range of Agricultural consultancy services to  farmers to include but not limited to Land Use Planning and management, Underground Water Survey using GIS and remote sensing.

  • Land capability assessment
  • Livestock tracking.
  • Heat syncronisation and Artificial Insermination.
  • Irrigation designing and management
  • Soil and water conservation.
  • Crop monitoring and yield estimation.
  • Farm management.

The company is pro – digital in providing sustainable and lasting solutions. Our vision is to contribute to a total digitalisation and transition of Agricultural systems from the traditionaly known manual systems to high precision digital technology systems using high technology equipments and softwares Such as Drones GIS and Remote sensing. Digital Agritech Consultancy is still pioneering technology in a dozen of Agricultural services which will be availed once they are tried,tested polished and certified.

Our Mission

Our mission is to revolutionize the agricultural industry by providing cutting-edge digital solutions and expert consultancy that enhance productivity, sustainability, and profitability for farmers and agribusinesses.

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